Tiffany Westrich-Robertson
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder,
Tiffany Westrich-Robertson is the CEO and original founder of AiArthritis (the International Foundation for Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Arthritis) and a person living with axial spondyloarthritis. She also leads the national Ensuring Access through Collaborative Health (EACH) and affiliated Patient Inclusion Council (PIC), two national coalitions addressing price review efforts in the United States.
In 2015, she authored the Ethics of Step Therapy paper, concluding preferred drug recommendations are biased towards patients who meet general patient population standards. For the remaining ‘atypical’ patients, the onus for choosing therapies should default on the doctor, who is ethically obligated to treat the unique characteristics of the patient. These findings have influenced her work to advocate in favor of fair access to treatments that are considerate of individual needs, and cognizant that personalized and precision medicine is on the horizon. Since then, Tiffany has been laser focused on Precision Medicine, Value Assessments, and data that drives policy decisions.
Tiffany is a former college educator - winning “Favorite Teacher” twice in 10 years, a trained focus group moderator, and an expert in Research Advocacy (data to drive public policy). She serves on many advisory panels, including Innovation Value Initiative (IVI) Patient Council, the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin diseases (NIAMS) Clinical Trial Working Group, and is the Patient Co-Chair for the ICER Patient Council.