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child with grandma


7:00 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    90 mins
  2. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    600 mins
  3. 690 mins
9:30 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    45 mins
    Access to medicines is a very real challenge, leaving patients in peril. Our speakers will discuss various policy barriers that prevent patients from getting the right medicine and the right time.
10:15 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    15 mins
11:15 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    45 mins
    Inside the Beltway, it's easy to get tunnel vision and focus on Federal issues, but patient advocacy engagement in State Capitals is critically important as well. Our expert panel will discuss their w ...
12:00 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    60 mins
    Meet and greet new partners, collaborators and allies during our lively and fun networking lunch!
1:00 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    195 mins
    Using The Moth’s seven principles of storytelling, developed through work with over 10,000 storytellers, MothWorks will deliver an engaging, interactive workshop designed to optimize and enhance your ...
4:15 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    30 mins
    This inspiring Mom employed storytelling to educate lawmakers and win access to cutting edge therapy not just for her daughter, but for all kids in Texas who live with Rett Syndrome.
5:00 PM
  1. Brickstones
    90 mins
    Reception will be located in the hotel restaurant Brickstones.
7:00 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    360 mins
  2. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    90 mins
  3. 690 mins
10:15 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    15 mins
10:30 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    45 mins
    Vector delivered gene therapies opened the floodgates to new technologies and targeted treatments. Hear from innovators driving the next generation of gene-based innovations bringing hope to patients
11:45 AM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    30 mins
1:15 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    45 mins
    A panel discussion exploring the future of drug development and the Food and Drug Administration – reimagined. The session will discuss how the patient voice has historically shaped rare disease drug ...
2:00 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom Foyer
    15 mins
2:15 PM
  1. Capital Ballroom
    45 mins
    AI is everywhere, but what does it mean for patients? Learn how patient voices are shaping health AI, and how one AI program plans to drive cures forward.

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